Emergency School Closing Information
In the event of severe weather conditions or a building emergency which necessitate school closings, closings will be announced on the following radio and television stations:
- AM Radio Stations
- WGN 720
- WBBM 780
- Television Stations
- CBS Channel 2
- NBC Channel 5
- ABC Channel 7
- WGN Channel 9
- FOX Channel 32
- CLTV Channel 41
Listen for "Skokie School District 73½"

In addition, school closing alerts will be posted on the District’s website and social media feeds.
You can also check online at www.emergencyclosingcenter.com.
In the event our schools are closed, the District will activate the District's automated phone messaging system, which will call each district family with a recorded message.
Please make sure the school offices have your most current contact information.