Strategic Planning 2024-2029

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Strategic Plan Update

May 8, 2023

The 2024-2029 Strategic Plan was approved by the Board of Education at their May 2nd meeting.

The Strategic Planning process is a critical mechanism within communities. The process allows a diverse community to consider and express their hopes and dreams for the future of their school district. Our 2024-2029 Strategic Plan is anchored by these aspirations. It offers a clear roadmap for driving towards a set of valued strategic priorities.

Our Strategic Planning process began in September 2022 and continued for several months. The process included the following milestones:

  • Review of and attention to progress made with our current strategic plan.
  • Hosting four community engagement events and a staff engagement event.
  • Collection and analysis of survey data from SD73.5 families and community members.
  • Formation of a Strategic Planning team of district staff, parents, and community members. This team worked extensively over a series of sessions and drafted a Version 1 Strategic Plan. 
  • Sharing of a Version 1 Strategic Plan for stakeholder feedback.
  • Review and use of stakeholder feedback to draft a Version 2 Strategic Plan.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the planning process: all who attended community engagement events, staff who attended school-based engagement events, everyone who responded to surveys or provided online feedback, and the Phase 2 Planning Team for their deep and extended engagement with the Strategic Planning process.