Visitor Information

Welcome to our schools! Please review the following information about our Guest Management System in preparation for your visit.

  • All visitors will be required to produce a photograph ID (state ID or driver’s license).
  • This ID will be screened by our Guest Management System against offender databases.
  • Once security screening is cleared, visitors will exchange their ID for a lanyard which must be worn at all times while in the building.
  • Visitors will return to the same office at the end of their visit and exchange the lanyard for their ID.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Photo of teacher taking a photo of students

What is a Guest Management System?

A Guest Management System helps create a visual log of visitors that enter our spaces to help with accounting and safety planning. This system additionally helps us control access based on days and times.

Why is Skokie School District 73.5 using a Guest Management System?

Safety is our highest priority. Guest Management Systems help us achieve this while also providing a welcoming environment to all our visitors. Using this system also allows us to more proactively manage potential threats to our school community.

How does the security screen work and how is data handled?

The security screen works by scanning a visitor’s state-issued identification card to extract the visitor’s full name and date of birth from the ID. The data is compared against local and state-level US registered sex offender registries that have been aggregated by a third party data provider for the Guest Management System.

The Guest Management System only extracts the visitor’s full name and date of birth from the ID for comparison against the registered sex offender lists. For the vast majority of visitors whose information does not match, their scanned name, date of birth, and ID scan are immediately removed from the Guest Management Systems datastores. 

Data remains with the 3rd party providers for no more than 24 hours, after which it is expunged from their system. In the event of a match, the matching data (name, date of birth, ID scan) may be retained in the Guest Management System for up to 90 days.

No data is shared across other districts in the Guest Management System. In addition, we do not use any biometrics or image data captured to query the registered sex offender lists.

The photo and address are extracted from the ID for the office staff to visually compare the results retrieved  from the database to the actual driver’s license in the event of a potential match. The only pieces of information sent to determine a potential match from the database are the full name and date of birth.

Is an ID card scan necessary each time a person comes into the building?

After the first time an ID is scanned, District personnel can quickly look up a visitor's first or last name in the system and use information from the previously scanned ID to sign the visitor in and print a visitor’s badge. Visitor information can also be entered manually on the first visit. Return visits will require manual data entry. It is not necessary to physically scan an ID into the system to check the registered sex offender database.

What if a visitor refuses to show identification or doesn’t have a government issued ID?

Visitors who do not produce acceptable ID must be personally verified by the specific staff member being visited, escorted by that staff member, and signed out of the building by that staff member at the end of the visit. All visitors are encouraged to obtain an Illinois State ID if they intend to visit District buildings (see for information about obtaining an Illinois State ID).

Does the District have the right to require visitors, even parents, to produce identification before entering a school?

Yes. The District must be aware of who is at our buildings, why they are there, and to confirm that an individual has the authority to have access to the student.

Do registered sex offenders have a right to enter schools?

If a registered sex offender has a legitimate reason to be in a District building (e.g., visiting a legal dependent), and a court order does not prevent the person from visiting the child and/or the school, then yes, the law permits the person to enter a school. However, such individuals will only be given limited access. The District cannot deny an individual access to his/her own child. Schools can, however, deny access to other students.

Visitor Reminders: All visitors must check in at the main office during regular school hours for the continued safety and security of all district students and staff. Valid identification (driver’s license or state I.D.) should be available to present to office staff prior to entry approval. Once you receive your visitor’s pass, please restrict your movement in the building to your pre-arranged purpose. Visitors entering the building after hours must be escorted by a district staff member to and from their meeting location. Additionally, students have been directed to never open exterior doors for any visitors, known or unknown, during regular or after-school hours. This policy is to limit the risk of any individual entering our building without checking in to receive proper approval. We continue to welcome visitors at each of our district buildings, but ask that you respect our safety procedures and policies.