Extended Learning Program (ELP)

Our Philosophy Statement

The Skokie School District 73.5’s Extended Learning Program (ELP) provides courses for students who demonstrate a need for a more rigorous and challenging learning experience that extends beyond the grade-level standards to support intellectual development, while recognizing the unique needs of these learners.


The Extended Learning Program serves the fourth through the eighth grade for English Language Arts and Math. These are separate courses that are taught in replacement of the standard general education classes. In both courses, the curricular standards are compacted and accelerated.


Multiple data points are considered when identifying students for ELP classes. Students take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) in 3rd and 5th grade. The CogAT is a diagnostic assessment used for a more in-depth measure of student ability. Content areas tested include verbal, non-verbal, and quantitative reasoning. Additionally, students’ MAP scores for reading and math are used to determine placement. This information is filtered through a placement matrix using national percentiles as the comparison measure.

Initial identification for ELP is determined at the conclusion of a child’s 3rd grade year, for placement in the following year 4th grade. Students maintain their ELP placement each year. It is important to note that students’ success and progress is monitored throughout the year. Each spring, all student data is filtered through the matrix, and additional students may be identified for ELP for the following school year. This means that some students will begin ELP classes at 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th grade, in addition to the initial beginning in 4th grade.

If you have questions about the Extended Learning Program, please contact your child's building administration.