Winter Weather e-Learning
When school is closed due to snow or cold
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Public Act 101-0012 of the 101st Illinois General Assembly permits local school districts to establish an e-Learning plan to address student learning in a remote environment. An e-Learning day is an electronic learning day approved by the Illinois State Board of Education as a day of instruction for students who are not physically present in school buildings, with the purpose of providing access to instruction. On e-Learning days, students will work remotely.
Skokie School District 73.5 will utilize e-Learning to provide meaningful instruction to students during emergency days. e-Learning is intended to help with reducing or eliminating the need to miss instruction due to school closures, as well as maintaining instructional time by providing opportunities for students to engage with instructional materials, classroom activities, and teacher support. On an e-Learning day, there are many learning opportunities that can occur, such as live or recorded lessons, educational videos, simulations, games, activities, and online collaboration tools.
Remote Learning Expectations
- Students are expected to actively participate during live (synchronous) sessions with teachers and peers.
- Students need to be present and on time during scheduled live (synchronous) sessions.
- Parents are encouraged to set up a preferred space within their home that promotes active learning. When available, this learning space should be free from distractions to assist students in focusing on instruction.
- Students are accountable for assigned work and will be assessed on learning standards.
- Teachers will support student learning through consistent feedback and a variety of remote instructional practices that meet the needs of individual students.
- Asynchronous (non-live) activities will be assessed and are expected to be completed to the best of students’ abilities. Teachers are available to provide support and guidance.
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