Elizabeth Meyer School Behavior Response Plan
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LEVEL 1: Common Behavior
Not being SAFE
- Not having a calm body
- Personal space, movement (including pulling hair/clothes)
- Inappropriate use of school materials (throwing toys, drawing on tables, building weapons with Legos, etc.)
Not being KIND
- Using unkind words
- Hitting, kicking, pushing friends
- Inappropriate language or gestures (bad words, weapons, etc.)
Not being READY
- Tardy to school
- Blurting, interrupting
- Refusing to do work
STEP 1: Proactive efforts and initial responses to COMMON behavior
- Model and practice Mr. MAC expectations
- Review posted building-wide PBIS expectations
- Review posted building-wide and classroom Mr. MAC expectations
- Meyer Stars
- Specific verbal praise
- Proximity, gain student attention
- Class wide visual cues
- Use “you” statements rather than “I”
- Decrease transition time to eliminate lull time
- Review daily visual schedule and activities
- Change seating option (cube chair, hokki stool, proximity to teacher)
STEP 2: When proactive efforts are not changing COMMON behavior
- Meet with student; identify cause of behavior and make a plan
- Change seating option (cube chair, hokki stool, proximity to teacher)
- Direct student to calm down area and then follow up with student once calm
- Direct student to take a break at desk
- Take a break in another classroom (assign a task or a “special” job)
- Restitution
- Loss of classroom privileges
- Replace mask with disposable one or a replacement that student brought
- Switching centers
STEP 3: Staff follow-up to COMMON behavior
- Contact home
LEVEL 2: Chronic Behavior
Repeated Common behaviors
- Skill deficit vs. performance deficit
STEP 1: Proactive efforts and initial responses to CHRONIC behavior
- Increase the frequency of proactive efforts and initial responses listed under T1 common behaviors
- Reassess match between student skill level and task
- Modifications for the assignment
- Work boxes
- Differentiated materials and instruction
- Individualized plan including visual cues and rewards for student
- Check in/check out chart
- Personalized visual schedule
- First/then boards
- Visuals for board
- Visual coping strategies
- Conference with the student prior to the start of class to review expectations and/or plan
- Review and/or revise classroom routines
STEP 2: When proactive efforts are not changing CHRONIC behavior
- Increase frequency of responses used for common behaviors
- Meet with student to review plan; check progress and adjust as needed
- Clean up or repair what was damaged or broken
- Develop and implement individual reinforcement system
- Loss of classroom or building privileges
STEP 3: Staff follow-up to CHRONIC behavior
- Contact home and/or conference with family
- Refer to Grade Level Problem Solving Team: develop a individual plan
LEVEL 3: Significant Behavior
- Bullying
- Physical aggression (spitting, pushing hard, pinching hard, biting, all with intent/aggression)
- Damaging school property (breaking teacher materials i.e. iPad, ripping books)
- Threats to students/staff
- Elopement (i.e. running out of the classroom/school)
- Disrobing
STEP 1: Proactive efforts and initial responses to SIGNIFICANT behavior
- Keep calm and positive
- Acknowledge feelings of the student
- Review expectations
- Provide simple and clear directions and give choices
- Collect ABC observation data and develop 25 min to better behavior plan
- Refer student to administration and/or support staff members; preferably a familiar adult
STEP 2: When proactive efforts are not changing SIGNIFICANT behavior
- Contact administration/crisis team
- Remove student or other students
STEP 3: Staff follow-up to SIGNIFICANT behavior
- Staff fills out Behavior Incident Google Form
- Admin contacts needed supports including parents, support staff, and agencies
- Meeting with administration, student, and parent
- Individual problem solving