Middleton Elementary School Behavior Response Plan
This information is intended to outline a range of possible responses to student behavior for the purpose of minimizing instructional disruptions and increasing student growth and learning. Potential teacher responses to tiered behaviors include specific examples of behavior and responses. Lists are not meant to be exhaustive and teachers are encouraged to use their professional judgment when implementing possible responses and follow-up to behaviors.
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TIER 1 Behavior
This list includes a range of possible TIER 1 student behavior and is not meant to be exhaustive
- Forget materials
- Out of seat
- Calling out
- Not participating
- Bickering/arguing
- Disrespectful language and tone of voice
- Inappropriate language/swear words
- Inappropriate use of technology
- Distracting others
- Invading personal space
- Disruption
- Inability to follow directions
STEP 1: Examples of proactive efforts and initial responses to TIER 1 behavior (may be combined and/or repeated)
- Review posted building-wide PBIS expectations
- Review posted classroom CHAMPs expectations
- Pride Paws
- Verbal praise
- Proximity
- Non-verbal cues
- Class wide cues
- Redirection
- Use “I” statements rather than “You”
- Adjust pacing
- Review daily agenda and tasks
STEP 2: Examples of possible responses to TIER 1 behavior after initial efforts are not resulting in changed behavior (may be combined and/or repeated)
- Individual conference with student; identify cause of behavior and make a plan
- Change seat
- Take a break in the classroom
- Restitution/natural, logical consequences
- Referral for peer mediation (adult led)
- Loss of classroom privileges
- If/Then Statements
- Choice statements to comply (i.e. you can do your work at your seat or in the classroom library)
STEP 3: Examples of Staff follow-up to TIER 1 behavior
- Contact home
- Complete Behavior Referral after three contacts about same behavior
TIER 2 Behavior
- TIER 1 behaviors repeated over a set period of time
STEP 1: Examples of proactive efforts and initial responses to TIER 2 behavior (may be combined and/or repeated)
- Increase frequency of efforts used for common behaviors
- Re-assess match between student skill level and task
- Check in/out system with daily home communication
- Individualized plan including cues and rewards for student
- Conference with student prior to start of class to review expectations and/or plan
- Review and/or revise classroom routines
- Communicate with administration and/or support staff members; preferably a familiar adult
STEP 2: Examples of possible responses to TIER 2 behavior after initial efforts are not resulting in changed behavior (may be combined and/or repeated)
- Increase frequency of responses used for common behaviors
- Meet with student to review plan; check progress and adjust as needed
- Make up time owed during school
- Lunch/recess reflection
- Classroom or school community service
- Develop and implement class-wide reinforcement system
- Loss of classroom or building privileges
- Time out/Break in another setting with work or strategies provided
STEP 3: Examples of Staff follow-up to TIER 2 behavior
- Contact home and/or conference with parent/guardian
- Complete Behavior Referral form
- Grade level team problem solving: develop a class-wide or individual plan
- Document behavior and interventions on a First Step form
TIER 3 Behavior
This list includes a range of possible TIER 3 student behavior and is not meant to be exhaustive
- Verbal aggression
- Language targeted toward a group identity
- Bullying
- Physical aggression
- Inappropriate touching
- Stealing
- Weapons
- Drugs
- Defacing/damaging school property
- Threats to students/staff (verbally/written/technology)
- Elopement
- Significant refusal to comply
STEP 1: Examples of proactive efforts and initial responses to TIER 3 behavior (may be combined and/or repeated)
- Keep calm and positive
- Acknowledge feelings of the student
- Review expectations
- Provide simple and clear directions and give choices
- Implement Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
- Refer student to administration and/or support staff members; preferably a familiar adult
STEP 2: Examples of possible responses to TIER 3 behavior after initial efforts are not resulting in changed behavior (may be combined and/or repeated)
- Contact administration/crisis team
- CPI (trained staff only)
- Remove student or other students
- Lunch/recess reflection
- In School Suspension
- Out of School Suspension
- Expulsion
STEP 3: Examples of Staff follow-up to TIER 3 behavior
- Staff provides written statement of infraction
- Admin contacts needed supports including parents, support staff, agencies and/or police
- Meeting with administration, student and parent
- Individual Problem Solving Referral
- Document behavior and interventions on a First Step form