MTSS in Skokie School District 73.5

Partnering to support each student's learning needs

District 73.5 MTSS Definition

Also known as Response to Intervention/Instruction (RtI)

Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) emphasizes the principle that all students can learn when:

  • All teachers differentiate instruction to enhance learning within a research-based core curriculum.
  • Early access to a multi-tiered system of research-based interventions is provided.
  • A problem-solving approach that depends on the use of reliable data and the progress monitoring of learners to assess the effects of interventions is used.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Students' academic and behavioral needs are met through a multi-tiered system of support. All students receive core (Tier 1) instruction. When a student needs additional support, they receive supplemental interventions that increase in intensity to match a student's needs. At times, students require enrichment to support their learning; this is also supplemental to core instruction.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports

Problem Solving Process

Skokie School District 73.5 uses a problem solving process that assesses students’ academic and behavioral skills and matches instruction to these skills to improve student outcomes. In District 73.5, problem solving is defined as a process that includes a clear definition of the problem, a systematic analysis of why the problem is occurring, an explicit intervention plan, and progress monitoring to determine the effectiveness of efforts to improve student performance. 
Problem solving occurs at three teaming levels within the school system: school wide problem solving, grade level problem solving, and individual problem solving. 

Problem Solving Process

Essential Components of a MTSS

MTSS supports the goal of Continuous School Improvement. MTSS always contains these essential components:

  • Comprehensive Commitment & Leadership
  • Data System
  • Problem Solving & Team Structure
  • Multi-Tiered System of Instruction & Intervention
  • Implementation Monitoring & Ongoing Action Planning

Essential Components of a MTSS

Frequently Asked Questions about MTSS

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