Standards-Referenced Grading

During the 2018-2019 school year, you will notice some changes to the way we communicate about student learning. Specifically, the gradebook you view in PowerSchool and the report cards we send home will be standards-referenced.

What is standards-referenced?
Standards-referenced grading means that teachers will share information about your child’s learning by using a “proficiency scale” to describe progress towards learning standards and student skills. Our “proficiency scale” will include the following terms: extends, meets, approaching, and does not meet.

Why are we changing?
Our goal is to accurately measure student mastery of learning standards by implementing a comprehensive assessment and grading system that aligns with best practice in education.

What will be different?
Report cards will include much more specific information about what students are learning in each content area. The “proficiency scale” terms (extends, meets, approaching, and does not meet) will replace our currently used letter grades and codes. Honor roll and grade point average will not be calculated as the proficiency scale terms are not equivalent to the previously used letter grades. 

How can I learn more?
Visit the SRG for Parents section of our website. If you would like to read more, please visit the web-article “Standards-Based Grading: What Parents Need to Know” posted on the School Family website at

On March 5, 2019, the district hosted a community forum focused on Standards-Referenced Grading. The information shared during the event can be accessed by viewing this PDF

Rick Wormeli is one of the very first Nationally Board Certified teachers in America.  He has used his 39 years of teaching experience to help educators around the world implement best practice around student learning and growth.

Every member of our staff has been working very hard to prepare for this important change. This change will provide you with more detailed information about your child’s progress toward mastery of learning standards. If you have questions about your child’s progress, please contact his or her teacher. If you have questions about our grading system or report card, please contact Kevin Poduska at [email protected].