2020 Census: Time is Running Out!


Time is running out!

The 2020 Census will be wrapping up operations on September 30th. While most households self-responded and many others have cooperated with in-person interviews, there are still some that have yet to respond. 

If you have not responded, please do so now online at my2020census.gov, by calling 844-330-2020, or by filling out the paper copy you received in the mail.

An accurate count of our population is essential to ensure we receive the funding our community needs to properly care for our community and provide critical services and programs. The failure to count everyone decreases funding for schools, public transit, food support, Medicaid, and other critical human service programs. Even a one-percent undercount could result in our communities losing millions in state and federal funding over the next decade.

This the last chance for the next 10 years to be counted. The Census is safe. The Census is confidential. Your Census response cannot be shared with law enforcement or immigration officials. Please, cooperate with census takers. Respond today.

We can’t wait another decade. Everyone counts!