Return to School Plan UPDATE


The Skokie 73.5 Board of Education, at the meeting on Thursday, October 29th, agreed to postpone a vote on the plan until the November 10th Board meeting to allow time for the plan to be translated. However, the District will move forward with surveying the parents/guardians of those students who are most challenged, those with Special Education needs, those with 504 plans, our English Language Learners, and those who have been disengaged during the remote learning to determine their interest in sending their children back to school for four half days per week, beginning November 30th. These surveys will be translated prior to being sent out. Accompanying the survey will be a brief review of the program.

The complete Return to School plan has been sent to the translator. Due to the length of the plan, the turnaround time was determined to be approximately 7 days. Upon receiving the translated copy, this will be shared with the community. Further discussion regarding this entire plan will continue at the November Board meeting.