ACCESS Testing Starts March 2021


Students identified as English Language Learners are required to participate in an annual state and federally mandated test known as the Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State (ACCESS) test. This test measures their English language proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. As of the 2017 ACCESS test, English Language Learners in Illinois must receive an overall composite score of 4.8 on ACCESS to demonstrate English proficiency.

Who has to take the test?

All students in kindergarten through 8th grade who qualify for English Language (EL) support, regardless of whether or not they are receiving EL services, are required to take the test, in person, between March 15, 2021, and May 19, 2021. There is no remote version of the ACCESS test; it must be given in person, at the school. We have put a number of safety protocols in place to ensure that we can provide in-person services:

  • Required health self-assessment screening for all staff and students
  • Practice social distancing (wear a mask, watch distance, wash hands)
  • For the speaking portion of the test, when the mask must be removed, we will offer staggered appointment times for 1-to-1 testing, with plexiglass screen guards and/or face shields to enhance safety measures
  • Cleaning/disinfecting shared assessment materials and common areas

Who will give the test? Where will the test be given?

The EL Teacher will contact parents/guardians of English Language Learner students with specific dates, times, and locations. Students eligible for transportation can come to school by bus; or parents/guardians can bring the student to school on the designated testing dates, times, and locations.
Please reach out to Dr. LaTonya Wilks, Director of Student Services, if you have any questions.

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