Expired & Archived News
We've added a Lunch Program Update to our February 24th Message. Click through and ...
Board of Education member Bushra Amiwala was recently awarded the Asian American C...
Tap through to the Update Center! The February 19th Parent & Guardian Update con...
We have just received the remaining translated surveys and documents for our Return to ...
As we move toward the re-opening of our schools, the February 9th Board meeting will st...
As a part of the Family & Community as Agency strand of District 73.5's Distric...
With the COVID-19 incidence metrics recently improving into acceptable ranges, we want ...
McCracken's Social Justice Club is partnering with Student Council for a #MLKDayofS...
Please click through for a letter from the Interim Superintendents concerning events that took place in Washington, D.C. on January 6th.
After many months of work, the Board of Education has selected Dr. Zipporah Hightower a...
We would like to provide you with an update on the Skokie 73.5 Adaptive Pause and ...
There's still time to set yourself a reminder for tonight's Cyberbullying presentation!
Skokie School District 73.5 has official launched its COVID-19 dashboard and metrics!
We would like to give you an update on the “Adaptive Pause” that we began o...
BWP has created a Superintendent Candidate Profile for Skokie School District 73.5 usin...
In an abundance of caution, Skokie School District 73.5 has determined that it is in th...
Translated versions of the Return To School Plan were shared with district families and...
During the month of October, McCracken students were invited to submit artwork for our "Kindness from a Distance" Art Contest.
The Skokie 73.5 Board of Education, at the meeting on Thursday, October 29th, agreed to postpone a vote on the plan until the November 10th Board meeting...
Red Ribbon Week 2020 at McCracken...
Watch our website....
Information for school board candidates about next year’s school board elections ...
Thank you to all of our families that completed the preliminary Return to School survey...
In preparation for the district's equity work, we want our community to have the ab...
Time is running out! The 2020 Census will be wrapping up operations on September 3...