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TODAY is School Bus Driver Day!


On October 22, 2010, the Illinois General Assembly declared the fourth Tuesday in October to be School Bus Driver Appreciation Day in the State of Illinois.

TODAY'S THE DAY to say THANK YOU to our bus drivers for getting Skokie73.5 students safely to, from, and between our schools!

We're lucky to have two of our own district bus drivers. Mr. Alvin and Mr. Jorge drive the Meyer students to and from school, Middleton students to McCracken for Band, and McCracken athletes to and from their games all around the township. We appreciate you and all you do to get our students where they need to be!

Mr. Alvin and his busMr. Jorge and his bus

(If you miss the chance to thank a bus driver today, you'll have another opportunity when National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day comes around on April 22, 2025.)