Recordings at IEP or 504 Meetings
Recording of IEP or 504 meetings shall only be permitted in cases where a parent or guardian requires the recording in order to ensure they understand the IEP proceedings, such as due to a disability or limited English proficiency, and should only be used for this purpose. In such cases, the parent/guardian must provide the district with written notice of their request to record the meeting at least 24 hours prior to any meeting. The district may request documentation or other information regarding the parent's need for the recording. Only audio recordings will be allowed in these instances.
All participants must be notified when a meeting is being recorded. Any time a parent/guardian records an IEP or 504 meeting, the district will make its own recording of the meeting with its own equipment. Surreptitious recording is prohibited.
Questions or comments about special education services and/or 504 Plans in District 73.5 may be directed to the Director of Student Services at 847-324-0509.
For more information, refer to Board Policy 8:30 - Visitors to and Conduct on School Property.