Strategic Planning 2024-2029
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UPDATE: Version 1 Strategic Plan & Stakeholder Feedback
March 15, 2023
As you may know, Skokie School District 73.5 has been engaged in a strategic planning process during the 2022-2023 school year. The plan focuses on four areas of strategic priority for our district:
- Welcoming environment
- Hiring and retaining a high-quality workforce
- Fiscal responsibility and infrastructure
- Teaching and learning
Our process so far has included two primary phases of work with individuals across all stakeholder groups: parents/guardians, teachers, non-teaching staff, district and school administrators, and community members.
PHASE ONE: Gaining stakeholder insights to inform our strategic plan. To do this we:
- hosted a series of four community engagement events that were open to families, community members, teachers and staff, and Board of Education members
- electronically disseminated a survey to parents and made the survey available online for community members to complete
- held a designated teacher/staff engagement event where participants worked in two of the four priority areas to generate insights
- compiled insights from these stakeholder engagement approaches
PHASE TWO: Organizing and engaging a Phase Two Planning Team comprised of parents/guardians, teachers, non-teaching staff, district and school administrators, and community members.
- We solicited names of individuals across all stakeholder groups who would be interested in engaging in Phase Two planning. A group of 20-25 individuals was formed.
- This group met for a series of meetings to review the compiled insights and to develop a Version 1 (v1) Strategic Plan.
We are excited to share and invite your feedback on Version 1 (v1) of the Skokie District 73.5 Strategic Plan. The plan is organized into three primary sections:
- Big Aims: What are the big issues that we are seeking to impact as a result of our strategic plan?
- Strategic Objectives: What are the specific goals that we would like to achieve and how would we know whether this goal has been achieved?
- Strategies: What are the key strategies being suggested; strategies that are envisioned as necessary for achieving our Strategic Objectives/Big Aims?
The Version 1 Feedback Form closed on March 31st.
NEXT STEPS: The Phase Two Planning Team will review all of the Version 1 feedback and work to integrate that feedback into a Version 2 Strategic Plan. We expect to share this plan with the Board of Education for their discussion at their April 11th meeting and for final vote at their May 2nd meeting.
Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this important work!
Meet the Phase Two Planning Team!
Angela DeMay
Carrie Eccleston
Joann Eisenstein
Matthew Gliebe
Vicki Wolfinger
Marty Behm
Heather Haggerty
Karen Hayes
John Matthews
Kelli Nelson
Anne Bond
Zipporah Hightower
Maureen Jacob
Odessa Molina
Kristine Paulson
Dan Swartz
Katie Hollenberg
Richard McDonald
Emily Miller
Samantha Peterson
Maggie Price