Strategic Planning 2024-2029

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Strategic Plan Update

April 10, 2023

It is with great pride and excitement that I have forwarded our Version 2 Strategic Plan to the Board of Education. A first read and discussion of this plan will take place during their April 11th meeting.

Getting to this point with our Strategic Planning process has involved many months of work. Our process of developing the next Strategic Plan began in September 2022 and has continued for roughly 8 months. It included:

  • Review of and attention to progress made with our current strategic plan.
  • Hosting four community engagement events and a staff engagement event.
  • Collection and analysis of survey data from SD73.5 families and community members.
  • Formation of a Strategic Planning team of district staff, parents, and community members. This team worked extensively over a series of sessions and drafted a Version 1 Strategic Plan. 
  • Sharing of a Version 1 Strategic Plan for stakeholder feedback.
  • Review and use of stakeholder feedback to draft a Version 2 Strategic Plan.

The Board of Education is expected to vote on our Strategic Plan at the May 2nd meeting.

The Strategic Planning process is a critical mechanism within communities. The process allows a diverse community to consider and express their hopes and dreams for the future of their school district. Our proposed Strategic Plan is anchored by these aspirations. It offers a clear roadmap for driving towards a set of valued strategic priorities.

I would like to publicly thank everyone who took part in any aspects of the planning process: all who attended community engagement events, staff who attended school-based engagement events, and everyone who responded to our survey or provided online feedback to our Version 1 Strategic Plan. I especially thank the Phase 2 Planning Team for their deep and extended engagement with our Strategic Planning process:


Angela DeMay, SD73.5 staff

Carrie Eccleston, SD73.5 staff

Joann Eisenstein, SD73.5 staff

Matthew Gliebe, parent/guardian

Vicki Wolfinger, Board member


Anne Bond, SD73.5 staff

Zipporah Hightower, SD73.5 staff

Maureen Jacob, Board member

Odessa Molina, parent/guardian

Kristine Paulson, SD73.5 staff

Dan Swartz, SD73.5 staff


Marty Behm, SD73.5 staff

Heather Haggerty, SD73.5 staff

Karen Hayes, SD73.5 staff

John Matthews, parent/guardian

Kelli Nelson, Board member


Katie Hollenberg, SD73.5 staff

Richard McDonald, SD73.5 staff

Emily Miller, Board member

Samantha Peterson, SD73.5 staff

Maggie Price, SD73.5 staff

I would also like to acknowledge the "operations team" of District Office staff for supporting our work. These people provided critical behind-the-scenes and logistic support for our Strategic Planning efforts:

Alma Araujo, Buildings & Grounds

Chris Cieplinski, Buildings & Grounds

Aleksandra Davidovac, Superintendent’s Office

Karen Hayes, Business Office

Richard McDonald, Technology Department

Lyla Nissan, Student Services Department

Ruth Sinker, Superintendent’s Office

And finally, thank you to Dr. Shelby Cosner for her guidance and leadership in all aspects of the Strategic Planning process.


Dr. Zipporah Hightower


Skokie School District 73.5