Birth to Five Illinois is committed to making early childhood education and care more accessible and equitable for all children and families across Illinois. The focus this year is on how communities can better support mental and/or behavioral health services for young children and their families.
If you are a caregiver of a child ages birth to 8 (biological parent, stepparent, foster parent, adoptive parent, primary caregiver for a relative or friend's child, etc.), a mental and/or behavioral health professional, or an Early Childhood Education and Care professional, please consider taking the Early Childhood Mental & Behavioral Health Needs Survey to share your thoughts with Birth to Five Illinois.
Mark your calendars! Our next Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) meeting will be held on February 8th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be a hybrid meeting, with in-person and virtual options offered. The in-person meeting will be held at John Middleton School in the library. More information, including the virtual meeting link, will be shared with families shortly.
ACCESS testing for our multilingual students is right around the corner! ACCESS testing begins the week of January 15th for Meyer students, the week of January 22nd for Middleton students, and the week of February 5th for McCracken students. Please help ensure that your child is able to put their best efforts forward on the day of testing. HERE are some recommended strategies for parents to support their students on testing days.
Skokie73.5 schools and offices are CLOSED on Monday, January 15th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Schools and offices will be OPEN on Tuesday, January 16th, which is an early release day. Students are dismissed at 2:00 p.m.
The next Regular Meeting of the PTO is on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. in the McCracken MPR and on Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/ssx-ttep-vzh. Visit the PTO website for the meeting agenda: district735pto.org/meetings.
Visit district735pto.org and get to know your PTO!
Questions about this calendar or events? Please email [email protected].
Check the SkokieNews for information and updates from the Village of Skokie.
SPECIAL Snow Edition for January 12th & 13th
MEYER WINTER ENRICHMENT CLASSES for kindergartners will run from Tuesday, January 30th through Thursday, March 21, 2024. The Enrich MEYER brochure was sent home in backpacks on December 8th. Registration forms are due by the morning of Tuesday, January 16th (revised date) and confirmations will be sent by Thursday, January 18th. If you have any questions, please contact our Enrich MEYER Coordinator, Rachel Douglas, at [email protected].
Meyer Parent Leaders invite all Meyer families to the MEYER MOVIE NIGHT on Friday, January 19th from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. in the Meyer Gym. Bring the whole family, and kick off the weekend with a fun family movie night! Students are currently voting on the movie choice, and a new flyer will be sent home with students on Wednesday.
- Bring a sleeping bag or blankets and wear your best PJs!
- Popcorn will be served
- Bring a water bottle
- Students must be accompanied by an adult
- Please use Door #6 (by the parking lot) to enter the event
We hope to see you there!
Meyer Parent Leaders (MPL), a committee of the PTO, is a group of Meyer parents and guardians dedicated to supporting the school and community, by providing opportunities for Meyer families to connect and socialize.
Please join this month's Zoom meeting. MPL will discuss the Meyer Movie Night.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
7:00 to 8:00 p.m.
The Zoom link will be sent through Seesaw to Meyer families the day before the meeting.
All parents/guardians are welcome to join the meeting!
Multilingual learners will participate in ACCESS TESTING in the next month so that we can learn more about their skills in English language listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students will be assessed one-on-one. Please feel free to contact our EL teacher, Ms. Una Ikanovic, at [email protected] with any questions.
WINTER BENCHMARK ASSESSMENTS. Every winter, we use formal assessments to gauge student progress in early reading and math skills. This information helps teachers plan lessons and monitor student growth. Assessments are given one-on-one with a teacher. We will continue with our FastBridge assessments for both PreK-4 and Kindergarten students next week. For more information about assessments we use in the district for each grade level, please visit sd735.org/cia/assessments. If you have questions about these assessments, please contact your child’s teacher or our school psychologist, Dr. Kristen McCann, at [email protected]. Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
P.E. Parachute Fun!
ABOVE: Mrs. Solomon's Kindergarten Superstars
BELOW: Mrs. Nahhas's Preschool Superstars
Ms. Clark's 2nd grade students learned about penguins the week before winter break! They had to follow step-by-step directions and be careful readers to complete their penguin craft correctly. Take a look!
In the last week since we have been back from winter break, many students have been uncomfortable after recess due to wet clothing. Please send an extra change of socks, underwear, pants, and a shirt to school with your student. If something happens at receiss, they won't have to spend the afternoon wet or dirty.
If you have any gently used children's pants you'd like to donate, the Nurse's office would love to accept them!
The 4th and 5th GRADE GLOW DANCE PARTY is Friday, January 26th. Students, mark your calendars now and plan to join us then for snacks, drinks, glow sticks, and fun!
See the Glow Dance Party flyer for details and more information.
The attached permission slip must be completed and is required for entry to the dance.
ORDER YOUR 2023-2024 MIDDLETON YEARBOOK! What better way to remember this unique school year? The yearbook costs $20 and is now available for pre-order through the Lifetouch website at ybpay.lifetouch.com. The Yearbook ID Code is 13556524. Tap the flyer for more information!
Next Friday, January 19th is Middleton's COZY ART DAY! Students and staff are invited to wear cozy clothes (or pajamas) to school.
McCRACKEN's MLK Jr. DAY OF SERVICE IS CANCELLED. This annual event, which was originally scheduled for Monday, January 15th, has been cancelled due to the expected extreme cold weather.
The MLK Jr. Day of Service is an opportunity for students to honor the legacy of Dr. King by volunteering their time to help our school and community. Since Monday's in-person event has been canceled, teachers have developed a choice board of activities all students can access on their own to honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
8th Grade Upcoming Important Events
Our 8th graders have upcoming important events to prepare for their transition to high school in the 2024-2025 school year. Save the dates for these important events and reach out to McCracken or Niles North High School administration with any questions.
Eighth grade parents and families are invited to attend Niles North High School Curriculum & Activities Night on Thursday, January 18th at 6:00 p.m. Students and families can learn more about academic and extracurricular programming available to incoming freshmen as they prepare to transition to high school next year. Individualized student packets will be distributed to students and families which will include 2024-2025 freshman course recommendations and PSAT score information. PSAT scores are also available to access on the College Board website. Please reach out to Niles North with any questions related to PSAT scores, counselor appointments, and course recommendations. Please see this parent/guardian letter from Niles North with more information.
8th GRADE GRADUATION PICTURES: Wednesday, January 31st
Our 8th grade students will have their graduation pictures taken on Wednesday, January 31st at McCracken. One photo will be taken in a purple graduation gown (provided by Lifetouch) and the other in their chosen dress clothes. When the photos have been processed, Lifetouch will send the proofs to the school to be distributed to students and families. Parents/guardians will have an opportunity to review the pictures and order any preferred photos from the delivered proof package. There is no money due on Picture Day. Payment will be due to Lifetouch when families select their preferred photos online. Please see this flyer from Lifetouch for more information.
Eighth grade students and at least one parent/guardian will be expected to participate in counselor appointments on Friday, February 9th at Niles North High School. Families will receive their individual counselor appointment times from Niles North High School. Niles North counselors will meet with students and parents/guardians this year to review class placement for the upcoming school year. Placement is based on PSAT scores and teacher recommendations.
- Counselor appointments are in person at Niles North High School.
- Students are expected to attend school at McCracken on the day of counselor appointments before and/or after their appointments at Niles North.
- Parents/guardians will sign out their child at McCracken when picking them up to attend their scheduled counselor appointments.
- Niles North High School will share appointment times with parents and guardians and with McCracken teachers and administration.
- Student information packets will be distributed to families at Curriculum & Activities Night at Niles North on January 18th. Anyone who was not able to attend that event will receive the packet by mail.
- Please email Niles North High School registration questions to Denise French at [email protected].
We currently have our 8th grade graduation date reserved with Niles North High School on Tuesday, May 28th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Students are expected to maintain academic and behavior expectations in order to fully participate in all graduation events. There will be more information regarding graduation events in the upcoming months which will include the process for securing tickets to the ceremony. We are currently collecting diploma names and graduation gown and tassle orders from families. Please review the linked parent/guardian letter below to complete required forms and place online orders. We will continue to communicate information to families through email and in The Weekly Newsletter.
- Graduation Parent/Guardian Letter January 2024
Submit Diploma Card Names and Gown and Tassel Orders by Monday, February 5th
Highlights from...
Futures Unlimited Field Trip
Trimester 1 Hornets Hive
ATTENDANCE REMINDERS. Did you know that missing two days of school a month, over the course of a school year, can affect a student's academic success? Please help us make school attendance a priority! If you know that your child will be absent for the day, please call our school nurse, Ms. Warda, at 847-676-8235 by 8:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. Please review the McCracken Attendance Reminders for more information about the importance of consistent school attendance and keeping your child engaged in school.
Please help us keep our students, staff, families, and visitors safe by following our arrival and dismissal safety reminders.
We are excited to host and participate in Little 9 Conference sporting events! Please review behavior expectations for students, families, and visitors.
BREAKFAST: Waffles OR Bagel & Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk
BREAKFAST: Turkey Sausage Biscuit OR Breakfast Bar, Fresh Fruit, Milk
BREAKFAST: Bagel & Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk
BREAKFAST: Pancakes OR Cereal Bowl, Fresh Fruit, Milk
BREAKFAST: Egg & Cheese Sandwich OR Whole Grain Muffin, Fresh Fruit, Milk
BREAKFAST: Waffles OR Bagel & Cream Cheese, Fresh Fruit, Milk
BREAKFAST: Turkey Sausage Biscuit OR Breakfast Bar, Fresh Fruit, Milk
Halal meals available on request: Meatball and Rice Bowl, Chicken Sandwich, Cheese Sandwich. Kosher meals available on request: All Beef Hot Dog, Cheese Sandwich. Monthly meal menu at-a-glance is available HERE.
District Priorities
WELCOMING ENVIRONMENT. We will welcome and engage staff, students, families and community members in our schools.
HIRING & RETENTION. We will recruit, hire, and retain a diverse workforce and improve our human resource processes, procedures, and materials.
INFRASTRUCTURE & FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. All financial decisions and investments will meet the needs of our diverse learners and staff and promote academic and social growth. We will provide a safe, inclusive, flexible, and innovative space for teaching, learning, and growing.
TEACHING & LEARNING. All students will engage in learning experiences that are cohesive and articulated across PreK-8, flexibly designed to engage all learners and leading to rigorous outcomes for all. We will be a future-focused, real-world learning environment that is responsive, accessible, and meaningful for all. We will become a model district on the use of data for making instructional, curriculum, and programmatic decisions.
Equity Mission Statement
WE BELIEVE that inclusivity and belonging is the foundation for equity.
ALL CHILDREN CAN LEARN, at high achievement levels, when equity is infused into every aspect of education.
WE ACKNOWLEDGE the systemic inequities present in school systems and recognize the impact they continue to have on marginalized communities.
WE COMMIT to teaching, learning, and growing in order to identify and dismantle inequitable systems and to create a community where barriers are removed so that everyone can reach their full potential.
WE BELIEVE that students succeed when they can see themselves represented in our staff, curriculum, opportunities, and our shared environment. We accomplish this through professional development, curriculum revision, community engagement, and systems evaluations.
WE RECOGNIZE the need to teach our students to identify the origins of unjust systems and empower them to use their critical thinking skills and agency to responsibly disrupt the policies and practices that perpetuate inequalities.
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