"The Weekly" Newsletter Archive
Early Edition: 2024-AUG-18
Highlights from “Skokie73.5 Days of Summer 2024,” staff and teacher work over summer break, who's new, what's new, what's next, dates to know, and meal menus for the first week of school.
Superintendent’s greeting, Attendance Monitor, school board election dates, back to school nights & fall assessments, school grounds & garden updates, 5th Grade White Pines Info Night, McCracken extracurricular programming & games schedule, PTO info & meetings, photos.
NTDSE developmental screenings, ELL Center parent classes, Attendance Monitor, school board election dates; school drive-thru and arrival/dismissal safety reminders; back-to-school nights, Meyer Seesaw signup and fall assessments, Middleton Enrichment and 5th Grade White Pines information night, McCracken activity bus and athletic game spectator guidelines, PTO and Cub Scouts info, dates to know.
Superintendent’s message, power outage summary, Arts in Education Week, Student/Family Handbook; Meyer Back to School Night; Middleton Curriculum Night presentations, Back to School Night save the date, rescheduled White Pines Information sessions; McCracken Curriculum Night presentations, athletic game rescheduling, orchestra registration; public meetings, dates to know.
Student fees and program registrations, NTDSE Play & Learn preschool group, Meyer Parent Leaders meeting and family meetup, school pictures, and Fall Enrichment for Kindergarteners; Middleton Pride Paw kick-off, in-person White Pines Info Q&A and Back to School Night, drop-off and pick-up reminders, Artsonia online art portfolios; McCracken Multilingual Book Cafe and “Teen Book Chat with Churros” at Skokie Public Library; Latinx student club, activity bus registration, and school snacks; 8th grade PSAT information and 8th grade save the dates.
Parent-Teacher Conferences, fall assessments, ELL Center Parents in Schools Program, school board election dates, Niles North Tutoring Club; Meyer PBIS kick-off, kindergarten enrichment, Socktober sock donation; Middleton Back to School Night slides, Pride Paw update, evacuation drill, Bulldog Garden newsletter; McCracken All School Read, Concert Band recognition, Multilingual Book Cafe, Latinx student club, BuzzBot Robotics team application, 8th grade PSAT information and save the dates; upcoming public meetings, events around town.
Parent-Teacher Conferences, Illinois Resource Center family information meetings, PTO “stock the staff lounge,” Meyer Socktober festivities; Middleton Enrichment, Pride Paw update, Symphonic Band performance, safety drills, 5th grade recess update; McCracken Picture Day, school evacuation drill, additional Parent-Teacher Conference information for McCracken families, 8th Grade PSAT information and save the dates, events around town…
Student flu clinic registration, final days to sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences, upcoming Board of Education and PTO meetings, Family Night at the Chicago Wolves hockey game, Meyer Parent Leaders meeting and Socktober fun, Middleton Picture Day and White Pines registration/payment, McCracken teacher fellowship and highlights from Honor Choir and All School Read; picture retakes, Girls Basketball tryouts, upcoming author visit; events around town…
Facilities Planning Engagement Team, Coffee with the Superintendent, student flu clinic registration, PTO events; Meyer Parent Leaders meeting, call for Socktoberfest volunteers, kindergarten apple tasting; Middleton Bike Survey, garden news, last call for 5th Grade White Pines registration and payment; McCracken music department recognition, Girls Who Code, tech crew for fall musical, author visit, girls basketball tryouts; news and events around town…
Coffee with the Superintendent, Facilities Planning Engagement Team meeting invitation, student flu clinic registration, Girls Lead Program, Business Office update, Meyer Socktoberfest and student picture retakes, Middleton bicycle survey and student picture retakes; McCracken Futures Unlimited, Girls Who Code, Hornet Hangout, student picture retakes, 8th Grade PSAT information update, PTO events, dates to know…
Facilities Planning Engagement Team meeting invitation, student flu clinic registration, PTO Fall Fest and events, fall classroom celebration reminders, Meyer Bookmobile visit and Socktober wrap-up, Middleton Bike Survey feedback request and musical parent information meeting, McCracken concert highlights and Futures Unlimited registration, dates to know, events around town…
Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC), health message from the nurses, facilities planning, PTO Fall Fest, picture retakes and discount on orders, Meyer gratitude tree and PBIS family connections, Middleton Musical parent meeting, McCracken Musical information and ticket sales, Daylight Saving Time reminder, NO SCHOOL November 4 and 5, dates to know…
National STEM/STEAM Day, BPAC meeting, NTDSE Parent Group and Developmental Screenings, PTO meeting and Fall Fest, Meyer vision/hearing screenings and dressing for outdoor recess; Middleton voting day, Lost & Found, picture retakes; McCracken Musical ticket sales, vaping info & resources, SEL resources, 8th Grade PSAT update; Board of Education meeting, dates to know...
National School Psychology Week, Coffee with the Superintendent, public meetings, #ThankABoardMember, PTO spiritwear sales and Fall Fest photo highlights, Meyer fall classroom celebrations and Coins for Kindness, Middleton drop off & pick up reminder and teacher “Pineapple Day,” McCracken “Paws for Patrick” visit and vaping information for families, PBIS and SEL updates, video highlights, dates to know….
District and school office holiday access, benchmark assessments, Board of Education workshops, Illinois Report Card, PTO spiritwear sale & Dengeos dine out fundraiser, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program; Meyer Coins for Kindness, PBIS “space bubble,” kindergarten ABC Project and phonics activity; Middleton author visit, Hot Cocoa Celebration and Winter Gear Drive, lost and found, PBIS “recognizing feelings,” Garden News; McCracken fall musical wrap-up, Social Justice Club book club, Meet a Changemaker, dates to know, events around town….
Coffee with the Superintendent, message from our nurses about excused absences, NTDSE Early Childhood Parent Event and Developmental Screenings, Trimester 1 report card information, PTO spiritwear sale & Dengeos fundraiser, upcoming public meetings, winter benchmark assessments, PBIS Family Connections, Meyer Coins for Kindness, playground reminders, dressing for outdoor weather; Middleton Lost & Found and winter classroom celebration; McCracken Social Justice Book Club, debate club, cheerleading tryouts; dates to know, events around town….
Trimester 1 Report Card information, Ronald McDonald Care Mobile returns, PTO spiritwear sale & Dengeos fundraiser, upcoming public meetings, PBIS Family Connections, author visit highlights, lost & found reminders, Meyer Coins for Kindness and Meyer Mart, Middleton Garden News, McCracken winter break countdown and boys basketball tryouts, save the dates, events around town, and so much more….
Food pantries and programs during winter break, district and school office holiday access, PTO spiritwear sales, Skokie warming centers, Meyer Mart and Kindergarten Enrichment, Middleton Family Involvement Survey and Warming Hearts thank yous, McCracken MLK Jr. Day of Service & Food Drive and 8th Grade information updates, cheerleading and boys basketball tryouts, save the dates, events around town, photo highlights, and more….
Facility & Infrastructure Community Meeting, NTDSE Family & Community Events, PTO meeting and call for volunteers, ACCESS testing, attendance reminders, Meyer Family Fun Night & Kindergarten Enrichment, Middleton family reading night & Emily Oaks winter nature program, McCracken MLK Day of Service & Food Drive and UPDATED 8th Grade Information, public meetings, dates to know, events around town, and more….
Facilities & Infrastructure Community Meeting, Coffee & Conversation with the Superintendent, ACCESS testing, Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) Meeting, Meyer Parent Leaders (MPL) meeting and PBIS Family Connections, Middleton Cozy Reading Night, McCracken MLK Jr. Day of Service & Food Drive, 8th Grade Celebration Planning Committee, public meetings, dates to know, events around town….
Facilities & Infrastructure Community Meeting, Coffee & Conversation with the Superintendent, Parent-Teacher Conferences, potential mass deportation information, BPAC meeting, PBIS Family Connections, attendance reminders, Meyer Movie Night and Preschool Vision+Hearing Screenings, Middleton drop-off/pickup reminder, McCracken Arrival/Dismissal Safety information, BuzzBots Robotics win, 8th Grade Popcorn Fundraiser and graduation pictures, PTO Portillo's fundraiser, public meetings, events around town….
Immigrant Protection Resources, Parent-Teacher Conferences, BPAC meeting, emergency preparedness at home, NTDSE family events, PBIS Family Connections, Notice of Public Hearing; Meyer Movie Night, Preschool Open House for new families, 2025-2026 SPACE programs; Middleton Cozy Family Reading Night photos, enrichment registration, book fair, important reminders about student dismissal changes and devices in school; McCracken Spelling Bee, updated 8th grade graduation information, games schedule; PTO news and updates, events around town….
Facilities & Infrastructure Community Meeting, Parent-Teacher Conference registration, dental exams for students, public meetings, PTO regular meeting and Portillo’s fundraiser, Preschool Open House for new families and registration for the 2025-2026 school year, Middleton Book Fair and winter/spring Enrichment registration, McCracken tech crew opportunity and Random Acts of Kindness Day Cookie Drop, updated 8th grade information and important dates to know, events around town….
Village of Skokie water main break and emergency notification resources, dental exams for students, PBIS & social-emotional resources, PTO news and meeting date change, Meyer Preschool Open House for new families and Preschool registration dates; Middleton Enrichment registration and Book Fair make-up day, McCracken academic resources and 7th grade History Fair, 8th grade graduation notes, classroom activity photos, events around town….
Superintendent’s welcome, behavior response protocol, health forms, benchmark assessments, Meyer party on the playground and curriculum night, Middleton dismissal information, McCracken orchestra and PSAT information....
Skokie's Village Seal Community Survey, 2023-2024 Student/Parent Handbook, McCracken curriculum event, upcoming 5th Grade White Pines outdoor education trip, Meyer Parent Leaders....
Family Connections, Student Services news, PTO meetup and spirit wear sale, Meyer Parent Leaders, Middleton Portillo's fundraiser, McCracken Curriculum Night presentations and Orchestra info, McCRACKEN GAMES calendar....
Parent-Teacher Conference information, Meyer Enrichment programs and Parent Leaders events, Middleton Artsonia portfolios, McCracken games calendar and Girls Who Code sign-up, PTO news and Book Fair support....
Parent-Teacher Conference registration, Niles Township Clothing Center support for families in need, Meyer Parent Leaders Family Meet-up, Middleton Book Fair, McCracken attendance and safety notes, Niles North tutoring, PTO welcomes you....
Coffee & Conversation with the Superintendent, Parent-Teacher Conference final sign-up days, Meyer Socktober fun and arrival/dismissal safety notes, Middleton readers, McCracken All School Read highlights....
Coffee & Conversation with Dr. Hightower, flu vaccines for students, Meyer Socktober activities, many Middleton photos, McCracken PJammin fundraiser, PTO events....
Updated school calendar, PTO Fall Fest, Coffee with the Superintendent, Meyer Parent Leaders meeting, Middleton news, McCracken Girls Basketball tryouts...
Coffee & Conversation with the Superintendent, student flu clinic signup, Meyer Socktoberfest, Middleton Digital Citizenship Week, McCracken 8th grade PSAT information, PTO Fall Fest highlights...
Fall celebration information, Coffee & Conversation with the Superintendent sign-up, Meyer vision and hearing screenings, Middleton White Pines highlights, McCracken Spotlight on Success and 8th grade PSAT, PTO news...
School picture retake dates, Meyer Socktober wrap-up, Middleton STEAM Challenge, McCracken Musical and ticket sales, PTO calendar of meetings and events....
District Office holiday access, StarNet family events, Meyer safety reminders, Middleton 5K photos and Family STEAM Challenge, this weekend's McCracken Musical, important information about dogs in public areas, PTO news...
District & school office holiday access, December Coffee with the Superintendent, BPAC & StarNet events, end of trimester information, Thanksgiving food distribution, Meyer Coins for Kindness, Middleton VR space exploration, McCracken therapy dogs, PTO news...
Support for families experiencing homelessness, benchmark assessments, Meyer PJ Day, Middleton yearbook pre-orders, McCracken cheerleading tryouts and choral exchange concert, attendance reminders, photos, PTO news....
Report card and benchmark assessment information, Medicaid renewal reminder, Meyer Coins for Kindness, Middleton Community Week (and a really full Lost & Found!), McCracken Purple Pride Week and Cheerleading tryouts, news from the Bands....
Report card delivery information, lost+found items, fall Community Digest, Meyer Coins for Kindness wrap-up, Middleton STEAM Challenge results and Community Week, McCracken Made Pop Up Market and Niles North Curriculum+Activities Night....
Winter Break office hours and availability, English Learner Toolkit, NTDSE events, Meyer Mart highlights, winter Enrichment information, Middleton and McCracken concert highlights, 8th grade Curriculum and Activities night, and tons of photos....
Birth to Five Illinois Survey, ACCESS testing, Meyer Winter Enrichment, Middleton student council dance party, 8th grade upcoming important events, MLK Day of Service cancellation due to weather forecast...
ACCESS testing, Meyer Movie Night and arrival/dismissal safety reminders; Middleton Glow Dance and PTO request for volunteers, EnrichMD update, yearbook orders; McCracken Food Drive and 8th grade events....
Parent-Teacher Conferences, February BPAC meeting, in-school dental exams for students, Meyer Preschool Open House for new families, Middleton SEL newsletter, McCracken Food Drive and HUB's dine out fundraiser....
UPDATED Parent-Teacher Conference details, Earned Income Tax Credit information, in-school dental exams, "Bo Bo" the Meyer singing coach, Middleton Enrichment, McCracken Food Drive and February attendance incentive, PTO meeting, save the date for BINGO NIGHT....
Property Tax Relief Grant information, Bingo Night call for volunteers, World Read Aloud Day photos, Meyer Preschool Open House, Middleton assessment packets and Enrichment reminder, McCracken attendance incentive, Taste of 73.5...
Skokie73.5 BINGO NIGHT, Coffee+Potluck co-hosted by Superintendent Hightower and the Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee, Parent University, Caring Hearts Classroom Drive, Multilingual Books for Middle School Students, Meyer Preschool Open House and upcoming Music "Informances," Middleton Enrichment update and news from the fish tank, McCracken author visit and Camp MacLean information, PTO news and events....
BINGO Night, e-Learning survey, Coffee+BPAC potluck, Taste of 73.5, Caring Hearts, Meyer Preschool program, Middleton EnrichMD reminder, McCracken History Fair and Multilingual Library Project, PTO news...
Coffee+BPAC potluck signup, e-Learning and 5Essentials surveys, IAR and summer school, Preschool registration, Middleton attendance calls, McCracken History Fair and Hornets Hive, Caring Hearts, PTO news....
BOE Equity Committee Survey, SOAR exhibit, IAR testing, 5Essentials survey, Meyer parking reminders, Middleton 1st-2nd grade Running Club, McCracken All School Read and yearbook orders, news from the PTO....
e-Learning on March 19th, 5Essentials Survey, Parent University, Taste of 73.5 update, Meyer Parent Leaders meeting, Kindergarten registration, Meyer-Middleton author visit, Herm's DineOut, McCracken Robotics Tournament...
Spring break office staff availability, Coffee with the Superintendent invitation, Meyer kindergarten Spring Enrichment, Middleton eclipse art and 3rd Grade Concert highlight, yearbook orders, NEW 8th Grade graduation information, Taste of 73.5....
Coffee with the Superintendent, Parent University, Meyer Family Fun Night, Middleton DineOuts and Literacy Night, McCracken "On to 6th Grade" and 5th grade visit, Camp MacLean survey, April Show-ers, PTO meeting, Taste of 73.5....
Photos from the solar eclipse, PTO Taste of 73.5, BOE meeting, Meyer Showcase and Book Fair, Middleton Musical ticket information and Literacy Night Book Swap, McCracken April Show-ers and Book Fair...
Bring a Kid to Work Day, Summer School information, Parent University, Meyer Showcase and Book Fair, Middleton Literacy Night, McCracken Book Fair, Illinois Science Assessment, graduation information....
Public meeting dates, registration for returning students, PTO staff appreciation activities, Meyer Showcase and Book Fair, Middleton Literacy Night, McCracken "On to 6th Grade" and April Show-ers highlights...
Summer school registration, upcoming public meetings, PTO staff appreciation events, Meyer spring assessments and kinder music program, Middleton fitness night, McCracken Purple Pride Week and "On to 6th Grade"....
Dogs on school and park grounds, SchoolKidz supply kit orders, Meyer End-of-Year Bash, Middleton 5th Grade Farewell and library news, McCracken plant sale, Camp MacLean reminders and 8th grade graduation information, PTO news....
Final 8th grade graduation notes and Camp MacLean highlights, Middleton countdown and 5th grade farewell, Meyer End-of-Year Bash and On to Kindergarten, SchoolKidz supply sales, district traffic study, public meetings, PTO elections....
Summer EBT benefits, SchoolKidz supply kits, Meyer Early Bird sign-up and JumpStart Kindergarten, Middleton 5th grade farewell and garden news, McCracken "no referral challenge" and graduation reminders, PTO elections....
Report card information, SUN Bucks, summer meals and summer reading; 5th grade farewell and 8th grade graduation, SchoolKidz supply kits, Middleton garden volunteer days, thank yous and congratulations, a video, and tons of photos!