
The Weekly Masthead

News and information from our district and schools



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Skokie73.5 BINGO NIGHT!

SAVE THE DATE and spend your extra night with us!

Join the Skokie73.5 Equity Committee, the PTO, your friends, classmates, and staff for a fun night of BINGO!

  • WHEN: Thursday, February 29th from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m.
  • WHERE: The McCracken Middle School Gym
  • WHY: To play (or watch) some lively games of BINGO, enjoy snacks, and have some fun. There will also be an on-site survey to help the Committee discover equity topics of interest to the Skokie73.5 community.

RSVP is requested to help us plan for seating and snacks. All are welcome and BINGO play is not required. We hope to see you there!


The next Coffee & Conversation will be co-hosted by Dr. Hightower and the Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC).

Please join us on Wednesday, March 6th from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Middleton Media Center for coffee and a potluck meal to celebrate and practice literacy skills in our native languages.

RSVP is requested. Click or tap the flyer and then the RSVP link to let us know you're coming.


PARENT UNIVERSITY returns to Skokie73.5! The first meeting of this parent learning opportunity will cover Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) topics such as distinguishing between bullying and social conflict, dealing with big feelings, problem-solving, and making and keeping friends. Skokie73.5 educators will present information specific to the age and grade level they serve. Please mark your calendar:

    Monday, March 18th from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Elizabeth Meyer School Library
    Facilitators: Hannah Saibert, Rachel Douglas, and Ashtar Nahhas
    Wednesday, March 20th from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. in the Middleton Elementary School Library
    Facilitator: Jenny Walsh

The final BPAC meeting for the 2023-2024 school year is on Wednesday, March 6th from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Middleton Library. This very special potluck gathering will be co-hosted by BPAC and Superintendent Dr. Zipporah Hightower as an opportunity to celebrate and practice literacy skills in our native languages. Please scroll UP to Coffee with the Supertintendent for details and a link to the RSVP form.


The CARING HEARTS CLASSROOM DONATION DRIVE is a program that helps support our incredible Skokie73.5 teachers. Parents and guardians are invited to show their appreciation by fulfilling staff "wish" lists for various classroom items such as markers, pens, books, games, gift cards, and more. Wish lists and more information are available on the website and at each school. Donations can be returned by your student to their teacher or school office. The Classroom Donation Drive runs from Wednesday, February 14th until Friday, March 15th.

multicolored heart banner


Calling all multilingual families! McCracken Middle School is looking for book recommendations in all languages spoken by district families. Please help us collect book titles in many languages that we can purchase for our library. Fill out THIS FORM to make a recommendation.

picture of leaf, all blackThis Multilingual Book project is funded by a grant from the Skokie Community Foundation and the Education Foundation. To learn more about the project, check out the project website HERE.


The PTO is looking for a few more volunteers to help at the DISTRICT BINGO NIGHT on Thursday, February 29th. Click HERE to sign up.
The PTO invites us all to TASTE OF 73.5 on Sunday, April 14th from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. at McCracken Middle School.
Click or tap the flyer for more information on the PTO website!
The Skokie73.5 community is invited to ► register for a booth to share their heritage, culinary expertise, and celebrate our diversity.
Email [email protected] if you would like to help plan the event. Meetings will be held on Zoom.

PTO logo

Visit and get to know your PTO!
Questions about this calendar or events? Please email [email protected].


No School February 16th and 19th
Bilingual Parent Advisory Meeting (BPAC)

Oct 30, 2024 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Teacher Institute Day (NO SCHOOL)

Nov 4, 2024

All Day Event


Nov 5, 2024

All Day Event

Bilingual Parent Advisory Meeting (BPAC)

Nov 13, 2024 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Coffee with the Superintendent

Nov 20, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Thanksgiving Day (DISTRICT CLOSED)

Nov 28, 2024

All Day Event

Thanksgiving Observed (DISTRICT CLOSED)

Nov 29, 2024

All Day Event


Dec 24, 2024

All Day Event


Dec 25, 2024

All Day Event


skokie imageCheck the SkokieNews for information and updates from the Village of Skokie.

Skokie Public Library logo
Scroll the Skokie Public Library Newsletter for information about library events and services for all ages and abilities.



What is an Informance? An informance is a way to inform parents of what a typical music class is like. It is similar to a performance in that there is an audience, but instead of rehearsing set pieces, the students demonstrate what they do during music class. The setting is smaller and more intimate than a larger performance. Parents see first-hand how their child experiences music at Meyer School!

Picture of a multicolor music staff with notesWHEN:

  • Ms. Huynh’s class: Monday, May 13th at 11:00 a.m.
  • Ms. Solomon’s class: Monday, May 13th at 12:00 p.m.
  • Ms. Mpistolarides and Ms. Zaccone’s class: Monday May 13th at 1:00 p.m.
  • Ms. Lancioni’s class: Tuesday, May 14th at 9:30 a.m.
  • Ms. LaBarbera’s class: Tuesday, May 14th at 10:30 a.m.

Each Informance will last approximately 25 minutes. Seating is limited so we ask that each child invites a maximum of 2 adults. We hope to see you there!

Please see this FLYER for information. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Castellini at [email protected].

Elizabeth Meyer Early Childhood Education schoolhouse logoMeyer School will host a PRESCHOOL OPEN HOUSE for new and prospective families interested in the 2024-2025 school year on Sunday, February 25th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Teacher presentations about our preschool program will be given in the classrooms on the half-hour, at 10:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., and 11:30 a.m. If you have neighbors and friends who have children turning 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1, 2024, please help us spread the word!


Kindergartners celebrated 100s Day on Wednesday, February 14th. Students rotated through various fun-filled 100s-related activities in our kindergarten classrooms.



Meyer Superstars

Ms. Lancioni's Kindergarten Superstars
Ms. Moshi's Preschool Superstars


The Meyer Parent Leaders (MPL) meeting originally scheduled for February 22nd has been canceled. Please join us for the Skokie73.5 BINGO NIGHT on February 29th at 6:15 p.m. in the McCracken Gym!

Bilingual Parent Advisory Meeting (BPAC)

Oct 30, 2024 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Teacher Institute Day (NO SCHOOL)

Nov 4, 2024

All Day Event


Nov 5, 2024

All Day Event

Bilingual Parent Advisory Meeting (BPAC)

Nov 13, 2024 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Coffee with the Superintendent

Nov 20, 2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Meyer Coins for Kindness

Start: Dec 2, 2024 End: Dec 6, 2024

Multi-Day Event

Meyer Coins for Kindness

Start: Dec 9, 2024 End: Dec 10, 2024

Multi-Day Event



picture of red heart outlined in all the Middleton parents and families who have donated classroom supplies from the teachers' Caring Hearts wish lists! If you would still like to participate you can find the Middleton lists HERE.

...for attending our February PARENT-TEACHER CONFERENCES! We always appreciate a parent/guardian partnership to ensure each student at Middleton learns and grows at high levels.

This week was Middleton KINDNESS WEEK. We always strive to be kind, and this week we enjoyed several activities to focus on kindness. Students completed a Bingo board throughout the week; if they filled their board they received a kindness button and a coupon for a free custard from Culver's.

Students from Mrs. Barnold's and Mrs. Kasbekar's class shared kindness and friendship through reading, writing, and being creative together. Ms. Maa's and Ms. Olson's buddy classmates wrote greeting cards for residents of a local assisted living facility.

MIDDLETON HAS A NEW FISHTANK! Last spring, Middleton students welcomed a school of fish to a very large tank outside the front office. This past week, the fish outgrew that tank and needed to be moved to a new tank in a hurry. Mrs. Tammaru and Mrs. Walsh quickly set up the new tank and safely transferred all the fish. They are loving their new home!

Photo of students gathered around a fish tank

one tank, two tank, old tank, new tank!

EnrichMD Winter 2024 brochure coverEnrichMD, Middleton’s Enrichment program begins on February 26th! Families were sent class confirmations today via email. We still have space in the following classes if you would like to register your child:

  • Mondays: Cartoon Champs (grades 1-5), Harry Potter (grades 3-5), Stage Stars (grades 1-5)
  • Wednesdays: Origami, Assyrian Culture, Amigos (Spanish)
  • Thursdays: Music Start

We also have space in our ASL class on Mondays from April 1st through May 20th.

We have space in our Emily Oaks Nature Explorers at Emily Oaks until 5:15 p.m. on Mondays from April 1st through May 20th. Students will be bused to Emily Oaks by Emily Oaks staff on those days.

As a reminder, if students in Grades 1-2 would like to participate in Running Club from April 1st through May 11th, they should NOT sign up for a Monday Enrichment program. Running Club registration will be sent home soon.

If you have any questions or did not receive a class confirmation, please contact EnrichMD Coordinator Ms. Stephanie Larenas at 847-676-8085 or by email at [email protected].



Middleton 5th Grade White Pines Trip (through Oct. 25)

Start: Oct 23, 2024 End: Oct 25, 2024

Multi-Day Event

Middleton LEGO Robotics Team Practice

Oct 26, 2024 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Bilingual Parent Advisory Meeting (BPAC)

Oct 30, 2024 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Teacher Institute Day (NO SCHOOL)

Nov 4, 2024

All Day Event


Nov 5, 2024

All Day Event

Middleton Picture Retakes

Nov 13, 2024

All Day Event

Bilingual Parent Advisory Meeting (BPAC)

Nov 13, 2024 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Yearbook Orders

ORDER YOUR 2023-2024 MIDDLETON YEARBOOK! The yearbook costs $20 and is now available for online pre-order through the Lifetouch website at The Yearbook ID Code is 13556524. Click or tap the flyer for more information!


FEBRUARY ATTENDANCE INCENTIVE PROGRAM. McCracken students will have the opportunity to be entered into a monthly attendance raffle recognizing students who are on time to school and those who miss no more than one day per month. Each student who achieves 95% attendance will be entered into this raffle and those who have 100% attendance will be entered twice. There will be three prizes distributed to students in each grade level. We are excited to welcome students to school each day for a full day of learning! PLEASE NOTE that religious holidays will not count toward any absences.

Jennifer A. Nielsen author visit flyerMcCracken Middle School is excited to welcome New York Times Bestselling author Jennifer A. Nielsen for a schoolwide visit on Wednesday, March 6th. All students will have the opportunity to learn about Nielsen's writing process and hear about her journey to publishing so many popular books!

This very special event is brought to us in partnership with The Book Stall, a local independent bookstore. Click HERE to purchase a book and request a personalized autograph from the author. Orders are due by Friday, March 1st and will be brought to McCracken by The Book Stall on the day of the visit.

Picture of hornet mascot in front day/night sceneCAMP MacLEAN SAVE THE DATE! McCracken 7th graders will take our annual 3-day trip to Camp MacLean in Burlington, Wisconsin from Wednesday, May 15th through Friday, May 17th. The purpose of the Camp MacLean trip is to provide our students with an outdoor education experience that promotes both team building and independence. It is our goal that all 7th grade students attend this important trip.

Parents and guardians should complete this digital form by Friday, April 5th to indicate their student's interest in attending Camp MacLean OR complete and return the print form passed out in Bethany Fagan’s social studies class for students to bring home. If you have already made the decision for your student to attend, you can make payment online HERE!

We will share additional information with families about this trip soon. Ms. Fagan and Mr. Behm will host an informational night on Wednesday, April 3rd. Get excited for Camp MacLean 2024!

SPOTLIGHT ON SUCCESS. McCracken students are eligible to earn a wide variety of acknowledgements for their accomplishments in school! This includes Spotlight on Success, which recognizes students’ academic growth and achievement. Each month, teachers celebrate the many students who have demonstrated academic success in each grade level to honor them for making progress toward learning standards, meeting or extending learning standards, demonstrating great interest in a particular subject area, and/or demonstrating a growth mindset. Students are featured in our morning announcements, receive a certificate in person and by mail, and are delivered a fun incentive by staff, administration, and our school mascot with the Ollie Trolley! Congratulations to our January Spotlight on Success recipients!

8th GRADE PARENT/GUARDIAN GRADUATION CEREMONY/EVENTS COMMUNICATION. We currently have our 8th grade graduation date reserved with Niles North High School on Tuesday, May 28th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. Students are expected to maintain academic and behavior expectations in order to fully participate in all graduation events. There will be more information regarding graduation events in the upcoming months which will include the process for securing tickets to the ceremony. We are currently collecting diploma names and graduation gown and tassel orders from families. Please review the linked parent/guardian letter below to complete required forms and place online orders. We will continue to communicate information to families through email and in The Weekly newsletter.

A MESSAGE FROM THE 8th GRADE PARENT COMMITTEE: Help our 8th graders celebrate their year-end in style! Please consider making a donation to fund food, decorations, and a DJ for the 8th grade end-of-year celebration. Use this link to donate online and give our students a great sendoff!

Absences add up!ATTENDANCE REMINDERS. Did you know that missing two days of school a month, over the course of a school year, can affect a student's academic success? Please help us make school attendance a priority! If you know that your child will be absent for the day, please call our school nurse, Ms. Warda, at 847-676-8235 by 8:00 a.m. on the day of the absence. Please review the McCracken Attendance Reminders for more information about the importance of consistent school attendance and keeping your child engaged in school.


Help McCracken build a library of multilingual books for middle school students. Click HERE to learn more and submit recommendations!

picture of leaf, all black

Arrival & Dismissal

Please help us keep our students, staff, families, and visitors safe by following our arrival and dismissal safety reminders.


McCracken Red Ribbon Week

Start: Oct 28, 2024 End: Oct 31, 2024

Multi-Day Event

Bilingual Parent Advisory Meeting (BPAC)

Oct 30, 2024 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

McCracken ILMEA District 7 Junior Honor Festival

Nov 2, 2024 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM

Spectator Guidelines

We are excited to host and participate in Little 9 Conference sporting events! Please review behavior expectations for students, families, and visitors.


Meal Menu

Halal meals available on request: Meatball and Rice Bowl, Cheese Sandwich. Kosher meals available on request: All Beef Hot Dog, Cheese Sandwich. Due to supply chain delays, Halal chicken sandwich is temporarily unavailable. Monthly meal menu at-a-glance is available HERE.

District Priorities

WELCOMING ENVIRONMENT. We will welcome and engage staff, students, families and community members in our schools.

HIRING & RETENTION. We will recruit, hire, and retain a diverse workforce and improve our human resource processes, procedures, and materials.

INFRASTRUCTURE & FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. All financial decisions and investments will meet the needs of our diverse learners and staff and promote academic and social growth. We will provide a safe, inclusive, flexible, and innovative space for teaching, learning, and growing.

TEACHING & LEARNING. All students will engage in learning experiences that are cohesive and articulated across PreK-8, flexibly designed to engage all learners and leading to rigorous outcomes for all. We will be a future-focused, real-world learning environment that is responsive, accessible, and meaningful for all. We will become a model district on the use of data for making instructional, curriculum, and programmatic decisions.

Equity Mission Statement

WE BELIEVE that inclusivity and belonging is the foundation for equity.

ALL CHILDREN CAN LEARN, at high achievement levels, when equity is infused into every aspect of education.

WE ACKNOWLEDGE the systemic inequities present in school systems and recognize the impact they continue to have on marginalized communities.

WE COMMIT to teaching, learning, and growing in order to identify and dismantle inequitable systems and to create a community where barriers are removed so that everyone can reach their full potential.

WE BELIEVE that students succeed when they can see themselves represented in our staff, curriculum, opportunities, and our shared environment. We accomplish this through professional development, curriculum revision, community engagement, and systems evaluations.

WE RECOGNIZE the need to teach our students to identify the origins of unjust systems and empower them to use their critical thinking skills and agency to responsibly disrupt the policies and practices that perpetuate inequalities.

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